Friday 13 August 2010

1439 - More messy than Lionel

Though women prefer neatness to scruffy
I must admit I don’t care a great deal
My hair, though thinning, is bird’s nest messy
And I usually coat my chin in stubble
This is, however, all explicable
They won’t promote me at work, so why dress
To impress, since it hasn’t worked? Awful
Waste of my time and money. If success
Depended on looks… What? It does? Oh yes
So it does. Also, if women want me
They’ll have me on my terms or not at all
And so let’s see who still likes me, this mess
Who values weird things like honesty
And doing what I want. Typical male…


  1. I like slightly scruffy but with a nice sexy debonair air. Don't go changing!

  2. Hee hee - scruffs of the world unite!
