Sunday 22 August 2010

1448 - The windmills of my mind

I’m off to Amsterdam, I am I am
After this blogging, I’ll be clogging up
And down the old canalside with a pan-
Cake in my hand; Anne Frank-ly, I may stop
And look in her house if the queue has dropped
I hear the coffee’s good; wonder what’s Dutch
For americano with hot milk? Trips
On the canal by boat are also much
Recommended. But why oh why is such
A fuss made about the red lights? I’m damned
If I know. Maybe I will get me up
There, and see. The place has a special touch
And when I come back I will understand
Though I may be groggy and out of step


  1. Anne Frank-ly my dear, I don't give a 'Dam'!

  2. Would you pop by and make a comment on my friend's poem that I posted on my blog? I'd really appreciate that ... and of course in the above I was only punning because I couldn't resist it - I care, shallowly, if not deeply about your trip to Amsterdam

  3. Thanks Jude! Am in tattoo parlour in Amsterdam right now, so not much time!
