Friday 20 August 2010

1446 - Blarney Schwarzenegger

In 1446 - it’s no blarney -
The Blarney Stone was placed in that high tower
In Blarney, County Cork, in that country
That, like Blarney, sets mere talk that much higher
Than action; makes blarney into art; the
Blarney of those in Blarney’s the acme
Compared to Blighty, Ireland’s conqueror
(It was the Normans, though - it wasn’t me!)
But Blighty’s type of talk’s often mighty
Untrustworthy for me. I like blarney
Obvious blarney can’t be lies. “Drinker!
You’re talking nonsense!” Oh well, bugger me
Now who’d have thought it? A pub in Blarney
Is where to be throughout each long shower


  1. hmmm I think you need to go and kiss that stone

  2. Oi've never been to Blarney - altho oi have been to me (many toimes)!
