Saturday 7 August 2010

1433 - Village of the damned

We drove towards London, but Stevenage
Was where we stopped for their first ever game
In the Football League, an important page
In local history and local fame
I thought it would certainly be a shame
If on the way home we missed live TV
Coverage of Derby’s first game; the aim
Was therefore to find a pub we could see
The Rams play Leeds, and quite soon, luckily
We found a pub in Hitchin called The George
Which was showing it. The Rams weren’t the same
As usual; no, they won, so that is three
Points in the bag already, and revenge
For Brian Clough at the home of The Damned

The 'village' is Hitchin, and the damned refers to the book about Brian Clough (an ex-Derby County coach), who spent only 44 days as coach of Leeds united, who Derby beat today, as recreated in the recent book by David Peace - also a film - called 'The Damned United.'


  1. Thank goodness, I was getting worried!

  2. Hee hee - Tuesday I'll be very late posting, Jude - don't worry, be happy xx
