Wednesday 18 August 2010

1444 - Albania and Liverpool

In 1444, great Skanderbeg
Was heroically halting the progress
Of the mighty Turkish forces. He begged
In vain for help from popes, yet with his crest
The double-headed eagle, he did best
With scant resources, a Napoleon
A Richard the First, someone who was blessed
With strength and cunning. Though they overran
Little Albania after his death, some
Say he was unparalleled. I had egg
This morning for breakfast at mum’s. The rest
Of the day we spent in Liverpool, on
The famous ferry, and we also checked
Out the Maritime Museum, oh yes.


  1. Skanderberg - now I know about him because there is a famous statue to him riding his horse that I always have to shotlist. Now where is it? I think Pristina ...

  2. Yes - there are quite a few staues of him - usually on his horse, dotted around the Balkans... Go Skanderbeg!

  3. Yes, we shout 'Go Skanderberg' but he doesn't because he is a statue

  4. oh I beg your pardon, Mr Skanderbeg, spelling Jude!

  5. He's not a statue - he's a very naughty boy!
