Tuesday 6 July 2010

1401 - Timelines

Time speeds up as we age, partly because
Of work, or kids, but also fun, later
While the weeds of decay twine without pause
Decline goes on so long, but not faster
Than when a baby’s smooth skin grows rougher
And far slower than foolish youth’s car crash
The more years safely passed by, the better
In truth, deftly caught in the net like fish
Wriggling but still held fast. And we catch cash
And partners, but, inefficient spiders
That we are, they often fly to others’
Better built webs. This life comes in a flash
Of passion, lessened with each new-turned page
But lessons learned teach us to feel richer


  1. Wang Mingren - thanks so much!

  2. that's a deep one, tone.

    i had my nephew round earlier today which is a good point as he's two and a half now and a little terror, and it only seems like a few weeks ago when he was a babe in arms! lol

  3. Time flies - whether you;re having fun or not!
