Tuesday 6 July 2010

1399 - Shine a light

The Dublin boys left the house about noon
Just two slices of toast to eat, then gone
Out for the day up Sheep’s Head while the sun
Painted the sea a bright blue as it shone
The grass a greener green. We walked beyond
Until finally, with difficulty
We walked as far as peninsula’s end
The lonely lighthouse looked upon the sea
Its back against the cliff, defensively
The sun painted it bright white like the moon
The next lighthouse must be American
(Calling Cape Cod…) On the return journey
I stepped into a marshy mud lagoon
Instantly, half of my legs were hidden
Sun 4 July


  1. great ending tone here.. proper skill!

    i was there when he stepped into the lagoon,
    folks.. it was piss funny!

  2. Yes, I stepped into a hidden bog, and went in to above knee height!
