Saturday 27 November 2010

1544 - So cool in Liverpool

I've just had a night out in Liverpool
The venue was a place on Mathew Street
Tonight's temperature was extremely cool
But music filled the home of Merseybeat
I even saw some coppers on the beat
Question a thief who tried to sell to me
Some stolen perfume. Paco Rabanne. Heat
Was put on him; he had to drunkenly
Search for a non-existent receipt. See,
Cliches can come true. I could only drool
At the guitar skills at this gig tonight
Jo Bywater and Jon Gomm; mastery!
Not so keen on the piano-playing girl
Though. Her syrupy songs just did not fit


  1. I know quite a few musicians in Liverpool! You must look sophisticated if someone tried to sell you Paco Rabanne. I see you have judged him even more than the police as a thief who stole the perfume. How wrong the world is. Did you rat on him even? I'm sure you didn't - what an interesting poem, so much I could say about this one. I love this sonnet ...

  2. Thanks Jude! Of the musicians on show, only Megan Thomas, who I didn't like, was from Liverpool. As for the guy in question, he told me, without any bidding on my part, and boasted, of stealing the perfume. I didn't criticise him for that - and as he was showing me his wares, some cops just happened to arrive and start questioning him, and I naturally skedaddled up the stairs, tho not immediately - I showed some solidarity!
