Monday 15 November 2010

1533 - Head over heels

Back in the year of 1533
Anne Boleyn didn't use her pretty head
For in that year she married King Henry
The Eighth, who was excommunicated
By Pope Clement the Seventh for the deed
Of divorcing Catherine of Aragon
Without papal consent; a move which led
Henry to break with Catholicism
A historic decision for England
And the USA and all colonies
Yet all these momentous events were sped
By Catherine's childlessness. Was she barren?
Meanwhile Anne was made pregnant so quickly
Perhaps before the two lovebirds wedded


  1. I have quite an obsession with AB.I went to Hever Castle. When you come and stay we can go and visit in the taxi in the summer ... it's beautiful in the spring when the daffs come out. She had 6 fingers. She was full of the new religion. I should shut up.

  2. You know so much that i don't know - it never ceases to amaze! x
