Tuesday 9 November 2010

1527 - Come and see

Since I got home I've felt quite lethargic
So next I think I'll watch a film I got
Through the post recently. What is this flick?
It's set in Russia, World War Two, a lot
Of those atrocities are shown. It's not
For the faint-hearted. I remember where
I first watched it, twenty years ago, sat
In the Cornerhouse Cinema. I swear
A film sticks in your mind more when it's there
On the big screen. It is realistic
The steppes more deeply reddened with each shot
A subtitled lament, mother's despair
A Russian 'Schindler's List' - just as tragic
So 'Come and See'... My popcorn's almost hot


  1. Oh yes I've seen that movie. There's that cow bit.

  2. Well remembered, Jude - I'd forgotten the cow bit.
