Friday 4 February 2011

1614 - The inverted pyramid part 2

Egypt, that ancient land of the pharaohs
The Sphinx, the Pyramids, Cleopatra
Alexandria Library, all those
Wonders, but since then, less of note to our
Histories. Nevertheless, millions are
Forgotten before and since, ordinary
Egyptians in Cairo, Ismailia
Suez and along the Nile or near the
Canal, those waterways seeming to be
All of note to the West, commercial flows
Did the people's concerns ever matter
To us or to their rulers? Once GB
Was their imperial chief, then Nasser rose
Now who will the people choose as ruler?


  1. did you like the representation of the Egyptians in 'Rome'? I liked Cleo's make up and hair etc

  2. I don't think I saw it Jude. Give my regards to Cleo!
