Thursday 23 September 2010

1480 - Thumbprint

My thumb’s still sore from last Saturday night
Can’t do press-ups then…Huh - any excuse!
It’s getting better all the time, alright
Tomorrow I might be a little use
On the guitar, but tonight it’s the blues
Courtesy of Joni, except it seems
Like all artists of note that she could lose
Herself in her own ego, singing themes
Of self above all else; no wonder dreams
Of love were dashed, and all songs are of flight
Perhaps it’s with jealousy I accuse
Just passing time until I watch a film
With Pearl, my older girl, back from the States
With stories and lots of skyscraping views


  1. I can do about 10 press ups which is not too bad for a girl. Does singing about yourself dash your dreams of love? Not in my experience. Glad you enjoyed the film, I can't guess what it was. Manhattan?

  2. Hi Jude - we didn't watch a film in the end, ran out of time. Manhattan - now there's a film.

    Ten press ups - darned good, that!!
