Sunday 19 September 2010

1476 - The demon drunk

Writing this isn’t helping this headache
That’s most likely caused by dehydration
Strange it’s lasted all day though; couldn’t make
It go away. No time to eat, and some
Serious driving to and from London
Wouldn’t have helped either. Louis is now
Living in a smart new place; yes, he’s gone
From mine - I’m on my own again - but how
Much cheaper it will be! He will allow
Me that joke - he thinks spending’s a mistake!
I spent a lot last night but had good fun
From what I can remember anyhow
Even though I tripped on the road and scraped
Knee, elbow and ribs, and bent back my thumb


  1. oh no a hangover, what could be worse ... spending is a mistake I believe that too ... still it's a necessary evil I guess, x

  2. It's been an evil couple of months for me, i'm afraid, Jude!!
