Sunday 2 January 2011

1581 - A history of the Nether Regions

In 1581 the northern lands
Of the Netherlands (now the Netherlands)
Declared their independence, not great fans
Of nasty Philip II whose hands
Clung on to inherited Habsburg lands
This same Spanish monarch even had plans
To invade England, ruled by a woman's
Haughty virginal bastard Protestant's
Stubborn and illogical resistance
Meanwhile, back to that place just north of France
The prosperous northern half of Habsburg lands
Had fought the Spanish since '68 and
In '79 a union was planned
Which southern lands (now Belgium) never joined


  1. glad to see you beginning the new year with more historical poems! I must illustrate some of your sonnets sometime, how's about it? xx

  2. maybe it would be fun to do a little sequence I could draw some stuff for ... especially if it was dark and horrid gothicky kids stuff
