Saturday 1 January 2011

1580 - Time for a new time

New Year's Day is rarely a special day
But it's still exciting to live to see
A new calendar hanging on display
Twelve more months of news, future history
Now for certain we are in the Teenies
Twenty-eleven's the year we're now in
If we used the Jewish calendar we
Would be in 5771
I wish we were. Let's make the change! It's fun
And more accurate. Major events, they
Would not be in minus numbers till the
'Birth of Christ', then starting again from 1
Even better, Big Bang as starting day
13.7 billion years 'BC'


  1. i had a nice new years day as this is a special year for me as I am in love still

  2. Ahhh - I hope it continues for you Jude x
