Monday 11 October 2010

1497 - Ten Ten Ten

Today is Ten Ten Ten: 10th October
And it deserves a ten for excitement
And even danger. Stranger days never -
Well, hardly ever - no, never happened
After posting last night's sonnet, I went
Out just for a five minute walk to draw
Out a little cash for the restaurant
In the hostel in Istanbul. My law
- Having bought carpets - was to spend no more
But on my short walk I met ("from Ankara")
Two guys who said, "Let's have a drink..." I went.
To cut a long story short, met a whore
In an expensive club; danced, drank with her.
Then, a hotel. By this is madness meant!


  1. you sound like you're having a great time!

  2. I wish you had some pictures to go with your poetry ...
