Sunday 6 March 2011

1644 - English Civil War part 2

The Royalists, defending Charles' power
Had popular support in the Midlands
And North, probably because folk were poorer
Than rich London and the southern merchants
In '43 fortune often changed hands
Cheshire was fought over, being the route
From north to south, Middlewich, Beeston and
Nantwich seeing skirmishes, but pushed out
In the end, the King's forces set about
Relieving besieged York's stone walls and towers
Prince Rupert's men and his dog Boye advanced
But camped on Marston Moor's exposed redoubt
Leven and Cromwell's horses in a shower
Sprang success for Parliamentarians


  1. Ah history, can't get enough of it. What about the history of the future?

  2. The past is the future and the future is the past. (Hang on, I thought these were just ordinary cigarettes...)
