Saturday, 29 September 2012

2216 - A day at the circus

A return to nutty Knutsford, our fave
Place to go when Pearl's here, but anyway
Josie and me were circus bound - they have
A big marquee in Tatton Park - but stay!
Had they any caged animals, quoth they?
No they did not, so ner! It was right on
As you'd expect from a Dutch troupe at play
Or work, I spose. Strange work, but moving on
From home, with your chums, must be lots of fun
But you must be young, glamorous, and brave
Enough! The high wire act was good, and a
Limbo dance act, with fire, a diablo man
And of course, the clown, who was quite depraved
Who soaked a shocked family with some weird spray...

Friday, 28 September 2012

2215 - Hitch up your pants

I watched four films on the TV today
It was the Hitchcock season on Film Four
The first two weren't Hitch films, but somehow they
Evoked him. Bill Murray, comic actor
Starred in The Man Who Knew Too Little, poor
Relation of The Man Who Knew Too Much
Then, surprisingly, just after lunch (for
Which I had soup), an arty film 'bout Hitch
Called Double Take that touched on him and touched
On the Cold War era, Sputnik, the Bay
Of Pigs, the Cuban Missile Crisis, saw
Those scary events that nearly dispatched
Me while still in the womb. The Lifeboat, a
Wartime film, then Topaz (Russia / Cuba)

Thursday, 27 September 2012

2214 - Cool cool water

It's gloomy and dark again - it seems like
The only good weather we had was when
The Olympics was on. Those racing bikes
Usain bolting down the track - gold again
Not surprisingly, with all this damned rain
Rivers have burst their banks, towns are deluged
York and Morpeth, Northwich, as water drains
Down from higher ground. Towns with no refuge
But sandbags stoically waiting for huge
Torrents that tonight may or may not strike
Their homes and businesses. People swept in
The raging waters, found lying in sludge
They'd tried to save their dog. But there's a hike
This Saturday in temperature and sun!

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

2213 - Chilling in

An exciting evening not doing much
Still, after last night's guitar, gotta chill
Worked hard at work, got lots done, which is such
A relief when you've got a big workpile
Things are OK now on that front - meanwhile
I'm about to relax with a book called
'God Is Not Great' - it's got great hate and bile
Directed towards him up there, the old
Man with the beard whose story we were told
As kids. There's some TV drama to watch -
A new 'Room At The Top' - a retro thrill
Maybe. Changed the bed, shaved - shower (not cold)
Still to come. Did some ironing. Is a match
On tonight, I wonder? Enjoyed my meal!

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

2212 - England calling

News roundup - Andrew Mitchell, the Tory
Minister, and Chief Whip, called the police
'Fucking plebs' when one of them said that he
Couldn't ride his bike through the main gate. These
Insults came the same week as two police-
Women had been killed, causing great sadness
Doesn't this just prove that ruling Tories
Are privileged and arrogant? What else?
A maths schoolteacher's eloped to France, he's
On the run with a young school pupil. He
Faces jail. On the net, he sings a nice
Little song about their romance. Distress
In the North East, floods devastating the
Poor folk up there. Nature's not always nice

2211 - Love, work and rain

Love... load of bollocks isn't it? Today
I endured a long day at work and then
Walked through the incessant rain for some play
At a writing workshop. Two drunken men
Almost ruined it, as they do, but pen
Overcame sword, and I came away with
Some drafts that might become average poems
Or comedy sketches, whatever, if
I can be bothered. Learned more about life
It's funny, thank God, there's no need to pray
Yesterday finished The God Delusion
Next it's God Is Not Great. Poor God's such strife
Convincing us he exists. Science says
Not so, but death demands our exemption

Mon 24 Sep 2012

Sunday, 23 September 2012

2210 - Key to the strings of my heart

The dark nights are drawing in - wish I had
A drawing room to draw them in, but all
I've got is a tiny living room, bad
If you're a pianist, but I'm not. Haul
A baby grand up the stairs? Laughable
No, I need money, room, but I have space
Of one kind, reliably - personal
I'd hit the wrong key anyway, misplace
My fingers, even heart, which beats its pace
To a rock or dance tune. This is no fad
A guitar fits in here though, lovable
Partner, not quiet, not hard to replace
But a thing of beauty - we are solid
As a rock, we are cute, we rock and roll

Saturday, 22 September 2012

2209 - We'll keep a welcome by the seaside

Another day out in Wales - Llandudno
By train - a two hour ride from Manchester
A bit crazy, didn't get there til four
But after all, there's still some good weather
Poor little Jo's not seen the sea this year
So she paddled in the freezing cold brine
Me, needless to say, I didn't bother
Then onto the pier, ending in that kind
Of penny arcade from long ago times
The change machine rattles good luck, you go
Lose money but enjoy it, but better
Than Vegas - a small loss like this is fine!
Quick meal in Barnacles, eggs, chips, you know
The deal, then late train home, good chat to her...

Friday, 21 September 2012

2208 - Hair of the clog

It's nice to have short hair again sometimes
Like in the shower when I'm washing my hair
The plughole's no longer clogged with fine lines
Of dark hair, causing a rise in water
Levels, so that my feet splash as if they were
Paddling in the sea. When I come to dry
It afterwards, ah bliss, so much quicker
But other times I miss it's length. So why
Does everyone say I look younger? I
Don't know, but they all do. Friday lunchtime
I'm typing this while no-one else is here
Sandwiches eaten, banana and tea
Still here by me. Feeling lazy. It's time
I got on with work, but really, who cares?

Thursday, 20 September 2012

2207 - Who do we think we are (divine version)

Does God exist? What is God? Or a god?
There are so many, they're like a species
With many branches, some long fallen out
Of favour, landed, rotted 'neath the trees
Trodden on by insensible feet, leaves
Of yesteryear, once beautiful, living
Now rotten, defunct, dethroned, no-one sees
Them or knows they ever reigned, creating
Our ancestors but not us. We're living
Now, not then, so we don't know who's the God-
Father of our god. Get the software please
To work on the ultimate family string
Who was the prime mover of all the gods?
Surely he's the real one (or maybe she's...)

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

2206 - The Godzilla delusion

I'm about to watch the fiilm 'Crazy Heart'
I never was a fan of Jeff Bridges
But he's got better as he's aged. It starts
In fifteen minutes, so I'll finish this
And then grab a yogurt, maybe. Finished
'Vanity Fair' at last. I found the film
In the library - so serendipitous
And timely - so I'll watch that, overwhelmed
With coincidence. Or does this confirm
The God hypothesis? Dawkins says not
I've started 'The God Delusion' - then it's
'God Is Not Great' by Hitchens, food for worms
Now, sadly. Both books bought in London. Thoughts
Of seeing kids there again soon. God bless!

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

2205 - Crime and lack of punishment

Terrible news from Manchester today
Two policewomen killed by a fugitive
Who then hands himself in without delay
Having achieved notoriety with
Little or no risk to himself, he gives
Himself up to the police, expects justice
And mercy, and a cushy life, captive
Instead of a nice secluded cell, this
Man should have to face the public with his
Crimes on a big noticeboard. What they say
He should hear, each day, as they come and leave
Society's disgust fully expressed
And his shame magnified. Harsh, yes, but they
Would teach him that some things we can't forgive

Monday, 17 September 2012

2204 - Less than nothing

This sonnet's about nothing, I'm afraid
Nothing to say, want to get it done quick
I'm watching the X Factor being replayed
It's that bad, yes, and I might even check
YouTube to see clips I've missed - what the heck
It's better than getting drunk - well, it's not
But money must be saved! Will watch a flick
In a bit, Taxi Driver's a film not
To miss. Have I seen it before or not?
Not sure - probably have. Tension in spades
Most taxi drivers are nuts, psychotic
Oops, nearly sick then - burped, acid in throat
But it stayed down, yes, down is where it stayed
To have been sick then would have made me sick!

Sunday, 16 September 2012

2203 - The unbearable lightness of snacks

Watched 'The Unbearable Lightness of Being'
I don't know what it means but it sounds good
In a pretentious eighties way, starring
Daniel Day-Lewis with a strange haircut
Though I probably had the same about
That time... Been hungry for most of the day
Quite fancy a snack, so I might go out
To the garage. Got lots of soup in. Say
I have that instead of crisps and choc, stay
In and save money, eat better, getting
Back to tip top shape like I know I should
The film had scenes in Geneva, the way
I remember it, enjoyed recalling
The Swiss trip last year, got the travel mood

Saturday, 15 September 2012

2202 - Hair of the dog

I'm so full, because I just drank a drink
A banana-flavoured yellow milky
Very filling one, actually, eating
A load of curry and rice immediately
After that. Digesting it all quickly
So I can drink beer while the football's on
Yes, Match of the Day's starting presently
I've a feeling Man City haven't won
Man United have though - they played Wigan
Saw both sets of fans today, travelling
On the train and in pubs in Didsbury
It was nice out in the September sun
But first, I had a haircut, soon losing
That long hair I'd grown for two years or three

2201 - Salford cabaret

Home late-ish from a night out in Salford
The King's Arms, to be quite nicely precise
Janet was doing her comedy, bored
Not at all, she's a star in my tired eyes
It's always fun watching these misfit guys
And girls doing their thing, especially when
They really are misfits, so worldly wise
And yet so other-worldly, window on
That netherworld in which we all begin
And some of us don't quite escape, the mud
Of our own shortcomings, no good advice
Can clean off with words or smiles. Life's begun
Badly, and like a sprint race when you heard
The gun but didn't move quick for the prize

Fri 14 September

Thursday, 13 September 2012

2200 - Got to give it up (one more time)

I'm doing well on my latest attempt
To give up fags, and cut down on the drink
I'm calculating savings, and I count
A day without either as a saving
Of seven pounds fifty, and I'm adding
Each day's saving up on the calendar
As I go - it's called incentivising
And it can help me go to rich from poor
Rich in relative terms, compared to where
My own finances were before. I went
Out of the red and into black this spring
Last time I kicked it, so now autumn's here
I'll keep on not keeping on with that shit
And soon my Swiss wallet will be bulging

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

2199 - No nibbles allowed

Nutty yogurt awaits, when I've done this
It's my last yogurt, and I've no chocolate
Might nip out after this to Sainsburys
Friendly local orange supermarket
Then I can buy more chocolate and yogurt
Not milk chocolate, before you moan and groan
Dark chocolate, rich in cocoa, hits the spot
I only have one row each day, don't own
A cupboard full of snacks, but might go on
To buy some nibbles tonight. No, that is
Not a good idea, definitely not
I've got some sardines, I don't need to roam
And buy shit, and be tempted to get those
Special offers, and beer, cigs and whatnot

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

2198 - Keep a cool head

Showery and autumnal, though still some sun
My new mp3 player's not half full
Need to practise guitar, but football's on
This evening - England versus Ukraine. Well
I may put it off one more day, to heal
My aches and pains, of course, not laziness
Seriously though, I really give it hell
When I thrash my guitar, and that's not best
For shoulders, wrists and fingers - they need rest
After a good rock, funk n soul session
I really want to get my hair cut, feel
The wind on my bonce, then I can invest
In some groovy headgear, and look different
Still need new boots too, and also a girl!!!

Monday, 10 September 2012

2197 - Tune in, turn on, pick nose

What a long day, and a busy evening
On the computer, ripping tracks from my
CDs - mainly prog rock - and then putting
Them on my new mp3 player. I
Can now hear lots of compo tracks any
Time I want. Some chat too as I did this
On the mobile and on Facebook. TV
Showed some interesting documentaries
On old folk getting drunk, getting well pissed
Then two progs about food, then I'm seeing
Police on the streets of Blackpool challenged by
Drug-taking bingers mad of eye and fist
Political satire, then examining
The bedroom and its secret history

Sunday, 9 September 2012

2196 - Do mention the war

Read more Vanity Fair, then headed out
To Water Street Car Park and my hired car
It wasn't the usual Duke Street grey Fiat
It was a nice white five-door Toyota
The acceleration could be better
Anyway, we headed for the Wirral
A small northwest England peninsula
My mum lives there, Josie's grandma - we all
Went for lunch (Grandma paid!), got very full
Then to the beach at West Kirby. Despite
The grey clouds it was fun. Tried to fly our
Butterfly kite in the sea breeze. We called
On Grandma again, had tea, talked about
The war for Jo's school project - home once more

Saturday, 8 September 2012

2195 - Bug a boots

Got my new mp3 player, and its
On my head and in my head, so much now
To hear when I go out and about, but
It seems my laptop can't rip anymore
And won't even play anything loud - how
Friggin' annoying is that? Still, I've done
That, and bought some new jeans today, although
Even more than that I need boots! They've worn
Out, my current ones, and the store, Deichmann
Has run out of boots my size. Idiots!
T K Maxx had very few boots too. Too
Bad. Will have to hunt round Manchester town
Perhaps try Primark, relive last year's riots
Too many people grabbing things. Ouch! Oww!

Friday, 7 September 2012

2194 - Hairbrained schemes

A fun day at work chatting with the crew
Discussing my lack of dating success
And me disclosing that I need a new
Haircut, namely completely bald, no less
A big step, that haircut is the deepest
And what about the onset of winter
Methinks I'll need to buy some caps and hats
To keep my bonce from freezing, and there's the
Trip to Denmark and Sweden, November
To worry about. Frostbite on my new
Exposed scalp's an issue, under duress
My poor cranial tissue, exposed and bare
Right, now to watch football - can England do
Better in the World Cup, these next two years?

Thursday, 6 September 2012

2193 - While the leaves are still green

Red berries through the window remind me
It's six years ago now I started this
Fourteen line daily sonnet diary
Around that time I noticed those berries
And described them, early September days
Are similar no matter what the year
Outside, this red and green backdrop displays
The same phenomena always appear
Like they did as a child in Staffordshire
My bedroom window then is blind to me
And I to it, though memories resurface
Nonetheless I'm glad I moved out of there
Change is refreshing, opportunity
More frequent when you change friends and places

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

2192 - Serge surge

Sunny but cool's the best way to describe
The evening. Writing this, listening to
Serge's 'Goodbye Emmanuelle' - the vibe
On this compilation is clearly too....
Rude for some... I remember in the queue
For the Serge G. exhibition, Paris
A few years ago, chatting, soon to view
Serge's own old scrawled handwritten lyrics
Behind glass, that's the thing I recollect
Listening to his stuff, though he was a scribe
Of the sordid and sexy, passing through
The years, he became more and more rhythmic
'Chatterton' has a great bass line, diatribe
Against dying young, which Serge didn't do

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

2191 - Dull autumn skies

As the sky becomes dull, it's echoed by
The songs of Jacques Brel (in French) playing now
'Les vieux' is a scream. 'Chanson de Jacky'
Now, trying to hear the lyrics and how
They compare to the English ones. And so
We come to 'La valse a mille temps.' That's quite
A laugh, I suppose. Listen to Jacques go
Go, Jacky, go! 'Le prochain amour' light
In comparison, but back to that flight
From the sun. Belgium's favourite son. The sky
Illuminated by pale rays, sad glow
Of autumn evening, leaves that have seen slight
Summer light this year, this life, will soon die
'Feuilles mortes' indeed, and you've gone away now

Monday, 3 September 2012

2190 - Autumn leaves eventually

The usual early autumn improvement
In the weather, the post-Bank Holiday
Change for the better, now the breaks are spent
Now that we've all come back from going away
Those of us that went, that is, sad to say
I'm not one, but one went from me instead
The season for loving's here yesterday
And gone today, tomorrow by them led
Thus facing backwards, we lose half our speed
Was it always so? Yes. Then that's what's meant
For yesterday, tomorrow and today
Sleep is the only heaven where we're led
Each day the yawns herald its encroachment
Happy shadows, drawn curtains, end of day

Sunday, 2 September 2012

2189 - Button it...

At home all day, comedy this evening
I didn't even wake up until ten
And soon the Belgian Grand Prix was starting
With a crash and a bang, with Hamilton
And Alonso victims, thanks to Grosjean
Button won the race in Spa as I read
More 'Vanity Fair'. Put the radio on
To hear the football. Shame Man United
Won at the death. That's two weeks they've garnered
The full three points although undeserving
You had a good go, though, brave Southampton
The Paralympics continue - that said
I've not been following them. I'm hoping
To visit the Olympic site quite soon...

2188 - Sun of York

Hello chums - it's been a nice sunny day
Caught the train to Manchester, City fans
Everywhere, QPR the team they'll play
Watched bikers in Piccadilly, then on
To Victoria Station, train to Hebden
Canalside walk, then a filling pub meal
Had gammon at the Shoulder of Mutton
Jo had haddock, we were both really full
Some drunken arguments, kids with cycles
The old and young out in the sun, at play
Green hills on all sides, lit up by the sun
Dropped Josie home as darkness fell on all
It's autumn now, heading towards the grey
And the black, but let's all hope for some fun!

Sat 1 Sep 

Saturday, 1 September 2012

2187 - Manchester, Bury and Scandinavia

Hey, at work today had a real good chat
With Tony Mac, an Irishman, yes sir
That made a long day go quick, then I hit
The tram to Bury, I was on the draw
With Nancy at the Art Gallery where
An Australian gal was posing, was fun
Ten quid well spent. Glad I paid the tram fare
The inspectors boarded on the return
Journey, unexpectedly, eleven
O' clock or later! Then, back in my flat
An easyJet email, led to an air
Flight booking, November, Copenhagen
From Manchester, five days, time to visit
Denmark, and Sweden. Scandinavia!

Fri 31 Aug 2012