Thursday, 31 May 2012

2095 - To sleep in the office, perchance to dream

I need to wake up, so I'm writing this
I've already brewed up twice for the team
What more can I do in this warm office
To stay awake? Too tired to work, but dream?
Can see myself doing that soon. I cleaned
My trousers after spilling tea on them
A fruity tea, not Tetley's and not green
I've now made coffee to help my system
Arouse itself from slumber.... But now time
Has moved on, I've been talking tax, and it's
Almost time to begin the short walk home
To my Ordsall, Salford, flat, once again
Put a deposit down at Studio X
For mine and Katy's tattoos at lunchtime

Wednesday, 30 May 2012

2094 - Too much texting blues

My left arm and shoulder have been aching
This last week, wondering what is the reason
One possibility is the texting
The other is my guitar practice. Strum
Too long, and like anything done too long
Could be repetitive strain injury
However, I think it's texting. Gone on
For hours lately doing it - Katy
And others - Janet, Nancy. Hitting keys
Or screens with my fingertips tends to bring
Problems, it has done before when I've done
Lots of blogging. Years ago, that hurt me
So if I ease off texting, I'm hoping
Can still thrash my guitar like a good 'un

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

2093 - Sun and games

It's still hot and sunny, but it's cooling
In a day or two, the clouds are still thin
The blue sky's not going yet, it's hanging
Around up there, staying fair, this evening
The news is showing the North West getting
A glimpse of the Olympic torch relay
Around Britain. Up Snowdon, Chris Boning-
ton carried it to the peak. Anyway,
The Games are nearing, but first they must play
Football - the Euro's are back. God help Eng-
land's chances in that tournament! Goal line
Technology's not here yet. Better pray...
Time for guitar, then I will be ringing
Katy later, waiting for me to ring...

Monday, 28 May 2012

2092 - Less blue

I'm sitting at my desk, office window
Open fairly wide to allow a breeze
To circulate inside, because you know
We get hot, us hard-working pen-pushers
This afternoon, the clouds have spread their haze
Over those weekend skies of purest blue
But I'm pleased I made the most of those days
There aren't many of them per year, it's true
Lads with their tops off, revealing tattoos
As they work on extensions, clean windows
Or just parade around drunk. People squeezed
Into hot overcrowded pubs, no clue
About how to stay cool, it seems. I'll go
Home now, since I've been here almost eight hours!

Sunday, 27 May 2012

2091 - Pub grub

Out in the sun on Sunday - Birmingham
The place, that concrete wilderness, but by
The canal me and my girl, each with arm
Around the other, make the time pass by
Too fast - and after a while, we say bye
To the balcony, and inside we clasp
The time ever tighter, won't let it fly
But it will, a butterfly we can't grasp
We scour the terrain, searching for some grass
A few scrappy patches overlooked on
All sides by towering flats, hundreds of eyes
Back inside, to the pub sofa, surpass
Bar staff and regulars' expectations
And when it's time to go, it's time to cry

2090 - Sultry Salford

Another day of blazing sun, blue sky
This doesn't last long up here in England
So we all have to do our best to try
To get fried brown nicely, to get sore skin
You have to enjoy it, you can't stay in
Today it was me and Josie. The train
Took us into town. The sun was blazing
Watched dancers to catchy African strains
Then I thought, let's get the tram to the main
Area of blue water round here that I
Can think of - Salford Quays. She scooted round
And I jogged after along that terrain
Over the new bridge to the BBC
My neck's burnt now. Be careful, Katy's hands!

Sat 26 May

Friday, 25 May 2012

2089 - Of my day off

Hey, I took the whole day off work today
Not a half but a whole day in the sun
I did sunbathe after lunch, after the
Lawnmower man had finished with his din
But first I worked on songs, and then worked on
My Arabic, feeling more confident
Male and female noun endings (oon, atoon)
This is, that is, my name is, almost learnt
The teacher's even typed 'Tony' in it!
Got a film to watch later, or I may
Watch Pink Floyd night on Beeb 4 with a can
Or two to cool me down. I also went
Trouser-shopping, got yellow chinos. Hey -
Wait til you see my new pale blue jeans on!

Thursday, 24 May 2012

2088 - Late night fourteen line-up

It's late for Sonnet 2088
These days I always seem to hesitate
And I leave writing them til round midnight
Because I'm busy, too much on my plate
And nowadays my diary has to wait
Cos often there will be more to relate
If I leave it til later, I can state
What happened not just in the day, but night
I might have stayed in or might have gone out
Instead of whisperings, I can now shout
I'm not so bitter now, I'm much more stout
And I can speak with more heft and more clout
Midnight approaches, the clock's hands now skate
Around the dial, and so I'll say goodnight

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

2087 - Let's go ape!

Hey, it's not midnight, but hot afternoon
Instead, without a shirt on, typing this
I'll go out to see some comedy soon
At the Ape & Apple, good not to miss
This again, haven't been in a few years
Was last there with Vicky. Today, Nancy
Janet might come too. A couple pints first
Then laughter or embarrassment for we
And even more for those young comedy
Hopefuls. Arabic today was such fun
Had been worried but was a piece of piss
Homework done, and it's paid off handsomely
A night off tonight, pure enjoyment, then
I must get straight back to guitar practice

2086 - Sleep no more

My sleep was truncated in the morning
By a noisy neighbour below, I heard
Endless scraping, movement and brief banging
For hours, as I've heard before from that turd
From Poland or wherever. It's absurd
The way they stay up all night, yet still go
Out in the morning. Thank God I was spared
From working all day feeling so tired, though
I took the afternoon off, able to
Sun myself on the grass while studying
Arabic, then household chores, then a good
Old guitar practice, a shower, a meal, now
It's time to call on Katy - ring... ring...ring
Another long chat, now it's time for bed

Tue 22 May

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

2085 - A fuel and his money

Back from the Fuel Bar, far Withington
Costs a fair bit to get there on the bus
And tram, all for five minutes trying some
Gags out. It went quite well, seeing as I'd missed
My chance to rehearse yesterday and pissed
Most of Sunday away being ill. That's my
Excuse anyway! I turned piss artist
And talked about those events, so I tried
To gain from my mishap! Janet and I
Met a pair from an organisation
Promoting autism. The lad was just
Getting his life together by and by
The girl, she was from Poland. Got the tram
(Maybe the last one), then home to write this

Mon 21 May

Monday, 21 May 2012

2084 - The remains of the day's breakfast

Late Sunday night now. This evening I went
To see a pub night that actually's quite good
It's at a nearby place called The Crescent
Near the university in Salford
In two weeks' time I'll sing some songs, I could
Rehearse my King's Arms set! Told Janet all
About Katy. Stayed off the booze. It would
Have been stupid to drink beer - I've been ill
Today, and threw up. Last night's session, well
It literally 'came back' to haunt me, bent
Over the loo in the afternoon, food
Turned into orangey soup. I was well
Again after, but tired. Almost slept, leant
On the sofa, between texts, and drifted

Sun 20 May

Sunday, 20 May 2012

2083 - Wine and football - what?

Oh well, I am pissed, and that's that, that's that
I need to go to bed, and sleep, but I
Am too pissed to sleep, so I must say that
I am after two bottles of wine, high
But what else is there to say, except I
Am pissed?  Not a lot, that is just about
It, what more is there to say, don't know, I
Think Chelsea won the Cup, but did they beat
Bayern Munich, I think so, but I'm not
Sure, I think Chelsea won, but did they? What
Happened? Did the Blues win? I watched, but I
Don't know the outcome, I'm  too drunk to state
What that was, but I think the Blues won, what
Happened will become clear, til,then, bye bye

Sat 19 May

Friday, 18 May 2012

2082 - Five tea leaves left

Many cups of tea later, each flavour
Different - green tea with lemon, green Earl Grey
Camomile, nettle and fennel, mint... the
Wine from last night now fully flushed away
I near the end of a week when I stayed
In and recovered from the excitement
Of last weekend. Each morning I've slept way
Longer and later than expected, dreamt
On and on... Talked lots on the phone... I went
Looking for girls' names, bought a book to pore
Over. Don't ask for who... Tomorrow's a
Big day - Josie, football - are Chelsea meant
To win the Euro Cup at last? Am drawn
To the Crescent pub, evening of Sunday

Thursday, 17 May 2012

2081 - Play for today

I've been cheerful at work today, they say
Possibly, it has been speculated
Because of the love that's now come my way
Suddenly the shoulders feel less weighted
Whereas in fact they are more care-loaded
More duty, more responsibility
More expense...yes, my saving's been halted
But counterbalancing that, I'm happy
You only live once, and who'd disagree
We should try to enjoy each single day?
And with those you love, duty is altered
Into a privilege. But there's things we
Won't burden ourselves with, like DIY
Gardening, and the like. Rather be dead!

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

2080 - Captain A-rab

A night off tonight, staying in, saving
I've just found out that I'm doing comedy
Next Monday 21st, not doing
Music as I had thought. Originally
It was supposed to be my new funny
Stuff, so fair enough, the preparation
Is markedly less, and it's less scary
Maybe it's for the best. But still I'm down
For guitar practice tonight - should be fun
Texting Katy of course, recovering
Once more from Arabic class, so tricky
But getting near the end of ten weeks' run
Can almost read and converse, providing
I study it on Tuesday nights properly

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

2079 - Evening's end

I'm tired and hungry now, after the call
And before the call, I did Arabic
Homework for an hour. Listened to The Fall
And chatted to Katy for quite a bit
What else is there? No, that's just about it
A fun day at work, but felt tired later
At seven o'clock, the candle was lit
The one we chose on Saturday in the
Arndale Centre. It should be smellier
But the room looks nice when it lights the wall
Softly, yellow light and shadows that flit
With every enticing flaming flicker
Time for a late supper, then time to call
It a day, a new day...Don't come too quick

2078 - Sonnet in light blue

So busy on my day off yesterday
I didn't manage to write my sonnet
So I'm doing it next morning, okay?
I'm a naughty boy, I know, but don't hit
Me please, although you can pinch, scratch or bite
If you do it nicely. What did I do
With my day off? It seems like not a lot
But it was, really. Photos, music, you
Know, watching stuff on the 70s, new
Song, no reading, no film. The news showed a
Lot of live shots of Manchester, cos it
Was Man City's bus tour, now they're the new
Premier League champions. I was away
From that melee, and I'm grateful for it!

Sunday, 13 May 2012

2077 - Beer Matt

Last night we caught a bus by lucky chance
Into Manchester, first went to Kro Bar
Sat on a sort of bed, cuddled, held hands
And drank some bland fizzy Spanish lager
Popped into Piccadilly station where
Drunk youngsters lolled (it was late) to check train
Times, bumped into Matt, he suggested the
Castle pub for late night beer, yes again
(Was there on Thursday with Nancy), the main
Topic of our conversation being Manc's
Accents and a drunk Norwegian too far
Gone to chat up Katy when I had gone
Not far (to the loo). Today, our romance
Went on. We saw Josie down in Cheshire

2076 - Blue sky baby

Today has been the loveliest of days
The blue sky, the sun, and Katy is here
Her looks and character deserve my praise
She's so nice and considerate and dear
We should soon be going out for a beer
The plan is start in Salford and then head
From pub to pub til we reach Manchester
Katy has not left me disappointed
We both had some fun on the new red bed
And I'm sure there's more to come. She can raise
My spirits and more besides with a mere
Look, a touch, a smile, a joke - what we've said
Today has made us feel that we'll always
Feel the same way wherever not just here

Sat 12 May

2075 - Long black leggings

My laptop won't load up, a load of crap
So I can't post this sonnet, pay a bill
Basically this Friday has been a trap-
Door into the best weekend, such a thrill
Katy's visiting, and she's staying til
Sometime on Sunday, coming and going
By train, this time in black leggings which will
In some ways reveal more, and tempt touching
But that's tomorrow! Today, got plumbing
Done on my toilet! When I take a crap
Next time it will far more quickly refill
Bought snacks from Sainsburys, and was thinking
I should drink tonight so that I can sleep
So cheers, it's Italian red, have your fill!

Fri 11 May 

Friday, 11 May 2012

2074 - On strike

This is a sonnet on today's events
I joined the strike and didn't work today
Went in and saw who was working, then spent
Money on bedding and light bulbs. Fair play
To Gill the Plumber, sorting out the spray
In my toilet tomorrow, so Katy
Can flush successfully on Saturday
I then composed two poems, two ditties
Then went out on the town to meet Nancy
In the Castle pub, Oldham Street, not spent
Listening to poetry as planned, but hey
Had a good chat, then staggered home. Really
Must make my sandwiches. New sheets are red
Not had a shower yet, though, have to say...

Thur 10 May 

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

2073 - Snake in the grass

For you my eyes will be like microscopes
My hands will be surgical instruments
My mouth a hungry beggar, trying to cope
With all it can eat, a banquet immense
In size and richness. You'll have no defence
From my invading arms that snake all ways
Up and around, in and out. To the fence
To the bed, to my heart, you'll be tied, dazed
Disoriented, amorously amazed
You'll be a starstruck nun, I'll be the pope
Your robes will be thrown off in five seconds
Leaving you sighing and gasping in praise
Sleep denied, and of salvation no hope
We'll tumble head over heels, lovers, friends

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

2072 - The devil's harp

Today I bought me a harmonica
(In the key of C), twenty quid, it was
More than you'd think, from Forsyth's, Manchester
Mind you, things from music shops always cost
A lot. God knows how to play it - I must
Work it out for myself, I guess. It can't
Be that difficult, surely? Don't I just
Put my lips to it and blow? That's the point -
It's easy to carry and play and won't
Need a car to transport it! When I'm poor
I'll still be able to blow and draw, test
My mettle, shed some spittle, suck it in
To and fro it goes, mouth rhythm-giver
In and out, loud and quiet, ego boost

Monday, 7 May 2012

2071 - 4,000 arseholes in Blackburn, Lancashire

Today has been Bank Holiday Monday
And it's not poured down quite as they forecast
A demonstration was to wend its way
From Salford to Manchester, overcast
Skies to match the economy we cast
Our weary eyes upon. Wasn't tempted
To join in. Was supposed to try to test
My Arabic but sadly neglected
That task. Watched 'Madame Bovary' instead
(I watched 'The Mill On The Floss' yesterday)
Football-wise, Blackburn are down - they're aghast
In that old cotton town, I'm contented
Good riddance, let's hope Bolton follow - they
Deserve it even more. Go hang, Judas!

Sunday, 6 May 2012

2070 - Time of the season

A great day for football results - yippee!
Man City won 2-0 at Newcastle
If City win at home against QP
R next week, they've won the League, won it well
Whereas United tried to win by stealth
And refereeing bias. At the foot
Of the table, meanwhile, Bolton buckled
Shipping two goals in the last ten minutes
Against West Brom. If there is a God, let
Bolton's decade-long luck end! And let the
Other North-West dross, Blackburn, also fall
Down, never to return. Birmingham, beat
Blackpool and then West Ham! Even Chelsea
Can beat Bayern Munich, divine whistle!

Saturday, 5 May 2012

2069 - Drive-in Saturday part 47b

Today was Saturday, I watched and smiled
As I drove in the hired car to Wilmslow
Then as we ate fish and chips and then piled
Into the car, to Fog Lane Park, although
There was no fog. I bought ice cream for Jo
And then to Man United, Old Trafford
Bought a scarf outside as the cold wind blew
Then into the club shop. Couldn't afford
The team shirts, adult sizes 60 quid
But I bought Josie a small ball, a mild
Extravagance, with players' names on show
(She thought they were real signatures!) Who scored
In the FA Cup Final? Had to wield
A fork for Andy's birthday meal, you know

Friday, 4 May 2012

2068 - Warming up for action

My left arm's aching from all the texting!
For some reason, I text with my left hand
At work it goes on, and picture-taking
Too, sometimes in the loo, which I then send
To Katy, and she sends me the same when
She has a different colour top on her
And that's just at work. She works with children
And I of course work up in Manchester
We're working up to her visit, when we're
Gonna spend top quality time, kissing
And cuddling and... much more. We understand
Each other so well that touching is our
Way of talking sometimes. I'm not suffering
With a cold this week like in Birmingham

Thursday, 3 May 2012

2067 - Wash this space

Woke early, tried to retreat into dark
Dozed off for the odd moment, but returned
To reality. Must get up for work
I thought, and got dressed, then realised I'd spurned
My morning wash. Undid my clothes and wormed
My wet soapy hands inside the undone
Clothing, then wandered round the flat concerned
With breakfast and breakfast news til I'd gone
Dry, then buttoned and zipped up. A humdrum
Day at the office, livened by odd sparks
Of laughter, then home for tea, and to learn
The evening news stories. Out to see Tom
Play guitar at the Nexus, and some talks
On aspects of apocalypse. Rest earned!

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

2066 - What Katy does

Katy talks to me as she cycles home
She even texts me while she's on her bike
I think she's inside, but she's on the road
To or from work. Now that's a sight I'd like
To see for myself. Drivers must all take
A double look, firstly because it's her
Then secondly because the view was fake
Surely? That girl's not texting, sitting there
On that bicycle, is she? Oh, how queer!
(How quaint their language is!) And so this poem
Celebrates her great skill and art, to cyc-
le along like that. Also, she drinks beer
From the far side of the glass, from the foam
To the lees, and she can do that quite quick!

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

2065 - Glamour-puss

Each day at work spent waiting for evening
Each evening a race against time, precious
Unlike the noisy lads below, staying
Off booze and fags - or joints - I make the most
Of sober judgement and full consciousness
Last night I went down the pub, that is true
But it was to see friends as I got pissed
Not watching a film with just smoke and brew
For company, their purpose to imbue
Inactive boredom with self-deceiving
The empty room a party, glamorous
But now it's full of chances, stuff to do
Stuff getting done, then new stuff beginning
I'm nearly ready for my glamour-puss

2064 - Past bedtime

It's very late, and I must go to bed
But not before I hammer out this work
In a sickly Communist way, half-dead
Thanks to several beers, my mind turned to murk
Karl Marx would sympathise, Engels would smirk
And you might empathise, but I still must
Somehow, before summer comes, find some quirk
Of thought that strikes me as ever so just
The demands of day to day living thrust
Expectations upon us that we dread
But somewhere beneath, our ambitions lurk
And it's those we should save before they rust
And corrode us from within. Time we fed
On our own thoughts, and on our own feet walk

Monday 30 April