Tuesday, 12 January 2010

1226 - My ball of string

The boring work meeting, and tiredness
From lack of sleep, is a double whammy
I notice now, though, that I suffer less
From poor concentration than formerly
I think this is due to activity
In my spare time which sharpens up my mind
Playing and composing regularly;
Writing these sonnets; not just daily grind
But daily mental exercise, I find
Has benefits even in the workplace
Like not drifting off into reverie
Like following the talk as it unwinds
Like a ball of string in a maze; I’m lost
No more, no matter how I’d like to be


  1. You sir, are a machine! Not sure if you're involved in software, but sometimes I suspect you have coded up a sonnet generator.

  2. Hi Gerry - drat, I'm rumbled. I AM a machine!!! That's why i mainly do sonnets. My batteries wear out after 14 lines!!
